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Children's Day 2022!

By Thenmozhi Iyappan  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read


Let’s just go back and rewind the good old days, in fact, the great old days - our childhood days! The times we used to be absolutely carefree, fun loving & playful. A short reminiscence of our childhood is all that we will need to have a relaxing break from our day to day hectic lives. Every memory from our childhood makes us miss being a child and want to live one of those days just one more time. While going back, let’s recall the day when we were showered with lots of love and chocolates of course, yes, the Children’s day

Children’s Day is celebrated every year on the 14th of November, commemorating the birthday of Jawaharlal Nehru who is fondly remembered for his love towards children. This day is largely celebrated worldwide in schools, children dress up beautifully and show up to schools to enjoy their special events & games. A day to celebrate just their existence and let them know how much they matter for the wellbeing of their families and the world around them.

As a matter of fact, children are the biggest bundle of joy, greatest blessing and the happiest little beings on earth! The ones that make our lives much easier and meaningful. To make them feel special on their special day, it is definitely important to shower them with cute little gifts! Check out these special gifts at WEDTREE that are specifically hand picked for children! 


A very happy CHILDREN'S DAY to all the lovely children around the world! We wish and hope you grow up to be great individuals and achieve great things in life!



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